Saturday, February 5, 2011

Simplicity, Patience, Compassion

Woman who had walked from Brittany, relaxing in Ostabat,
"I have just three things to teach: 
simplicity, patience, compassion. 
These three are your greatest treasures. 
Simple in actions and in thoughts, 
you return to the source of being. 
Patient with both friends and enemies, 
you accord with the way things are. 
Compassionate toward yourself, 
you reconcile all beings in the world."

(Tao Te Ching, Chapter 67)
This French woman who I met in Ostabat was persevering despite great pain in her feet. 
I never saw her again after SJPP where I took an extra rest day. I hope she made it to Santiago, either on this walk or at a later time. She had walked pretty much alone until Bordeaux when she had met a pair of women walking, one of whom was seriously sight-impaired. 
The three walked together, helping each other. They were an inspiration.


  1. That's often the ecstasy and the agony of the Camino - that you meet inspirational people for a short while, then you never see them again. Happened to me on many occasions.

    Wonderful Tao Te Ching quote, Kiwi...

  2. Yes, and I know I hold precious memories of those people. It was funny how, after the Camino, in unexpected ways, I did come in touch with a few of them, and am still in touch with some. And one, who I never expected to see again as he walked faster, went on to Finisterre, but arrived back in Santiago when we arrived there. That was indeed a joyful unexpected reunion.
