Tuesday, June 28, 2011


“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quote found on Picturing God website


  1. I can see myself walking that path with my dog. Thank God for the pace of nature. It's synonymous with sanity.

  2. We just found your blog. We wanted to let you know about a film currently in post-production called "The Camino Documentary". Our director, Lydia B. Smith, has released her latest Director’s Message via video. It can be viewed here, just click on “Director’s Message”, as well as watch the film's trailer. You can view some short clips from the documentary here.
    We need your help to get the word out about our film - the farther we reach to Camino lovers around the world, the more people will get behind our film and be inspired to help make it a reality. If you visit our website,http://www.caminodocumentary.org/spread_the_word.php, there are a variety of banners and blurbs that we'd love for you to post on your website/blog. Have fun picking the banner that best compliments your site's color scheme, choosing the blurb that fits best on your page or writing your own to tell your readers why you support our film!

    And don't forget to let us know where you post these so we can stay connected and acknowledge you on our site!

    Thank you,
    Heather Knight
    Social Media Outreach Volunteer, The Camino Documentary

    p.s. I couldn't find a way to contact you aside from leaving a comment, so forgive me!

  3. Renegade, it seemed that Blogger thought the comment was spam- I have since published it. I am actually keeping the Camino-spirations sidebar etc quite simple. But I do have another Camino blog- Il faut aller doucement. I will look at putting a banner on that when I return home from my current short holiday.
